Of joshua tyler | Posted
Everyone is talking about the Star Trek again. Unfortunately, they speak in the context of the widespread.
If you are looking to be blaming his death to someone, you should probably put it on Alex Kurtzman. Has been charged with the franchise from 2009 Trek star. I am Is the producer of the paraca + ‘ Star Trek: Section 31A straight film so 58% of Star Trek fans who responded to our poll voted to ask the paramount deletes the movie from the internet.
So what is success? What is Alex Kurtzman has to say for himself? His reply, in a little, is this: Star Trek is a safe space then it is good to make a terrible movie.
Is my summation an exaggeration? Here’s the exhaust of his interview with trekmovie, in which they asked for Fans Proceeds circumption 31.
“I think you’re tending to find the trek you are feeling you in some way you don’t get in, now? And the Trek Stella is being a good one to be a different. It’s good to be a misfit . And this is a movie about misfortune, no? “
After this horrible station, has moved in a rambling words salad on “protect our freedom”, and then, it still sustas. He tried to discuss the best way to protect a roddenberry dream of a bright future is to make movies on horrible people who do horrible.
Here’s Kurtzman:
“So, I feel what we say is that in Starfleet mode had a optimistic optimization, in order to exist, you need the people who operate in the shadow. And it is a yin and yang. You can’t have one without the other. “
In the head of Alex Kurtzman, there is nothing like a bright future and happy for humanity because you can only have one is balanced out there is balanced. In Alex Kurtzman Trek Trek, the Dream of Gene Roddenberry cannot exist.
Then he went to try to paper on his failures suck in LGBTQ + iconography
In my 0-stars review of Star Trek: Section 31, I asked if it was possible for a movie to be fundamentally bad. Now Star Trek Fan have a response. If you are looking for the evil, don’t look more than Alex Kurtzman.
(Tagstoanslan) Alex Kurtzmanza – (T) Star Trek (T) Star Trek: Section 31 (T) Rooming
#Star #Trek #Star #good #terrible #movies #Trek #star #safe #space