Why Does My Creatine Smell Bad FB

Why does my creatine smell bad? (6 Amazing Creatine Facts)

Creatine is typically described as having no taste or odor. With that being said, some users report a mild bitter smell, but nothing too bad for sure. If brand-new creatine smells bad, return it to the manufacturer for a replacement or refund. You should also be careful where you store creatine as creatine can be damaged by heat, humidity and direct sunlight. A closed container of creatine can last a long time, even one or two years past the expiration date. But if the container has not been sealed for more than 36 months, you must replace it.

Creatine should be odorless

Dr. Brad Schoenfeld, CSCS, FNSCA: "Creatine monohydrate has a slightly sweet smell, but it is very mild and should not be detected unless you smell it straight from the container."Dr. Brad Schoenfeld, CSCS, FNSCA: "Creatine monohydrate has a slightly sweet smell, but it is very mild and should not be detected unless you smell it straight from the container."

First, let’s get this straight, creatine should be odorless.

That being said, I have seen some users comment that it has a medium scent.

Some say it has a slight lime smell.

I guess it’s all about us having different senses, some may be more sensitive to smell than others.

However, when you first buy creatine and you’ve had the tub for a while, it shouldn’t cause any particular unpleasant odors.

Why does my creatine smell like fish?

If your creatine supplement emits a fishy odor, it usually indicates that the product has gone bad or spoiled. Normally, creatine monohydrate is a stable substance that shouldn’t emit any strong odor, especially not one reminiscent of fish. In such cases, it is better to discard the supplement and avoid eating it.

I researched the smelly creatine phenomenon online and was pleasantly surprised by what I found.

In fact, I’ve come across various online fitness forums and question-and-answer sites where many people complain about creatine’s odor.

This is when you immediately know something is wrong with your particular case.

In fact, one user bought a new tub and said that once it was opened, it had a very strong fishy smell.

Registered Dietitian and ISSN Sports Nutritionist Michelle Brown: "If your creatine has a fishy smell, this is not a good sign. It can be a sign of contamination or contamination. I recommend throwing it away and getting a new set from a trusted source."Registered Dietitian and ISSN Sports Nutritionist Michelle Brown: "If your creatine has a fishy smell, this is not a good sign. It can be a sign of contamination or contamination. I recommend throwing it away and getting a new set from a trusted source."

As I mentioned, creatine is supposed to be odorless, and if you notice that it has an odor, that’s definitely not a bad thing.

So, our fisherman friend clearly received a bad container for whatever reason.

He mentions buying creatine decanate, which is slightly different than regular monohydrate.

Creatine decanate is micronized creatine.

This means that creatine is basically monohydrate, but the molecules have been cut or split.

This basically increases the surface area of ​​creatine, which promotes faster absorption and can reduce stomach pain.

And this is just one. Many types of creatine.

But really, even a different type of creatine doesn’t have to smell fishy.

There was definitely something wrong with the container.

Even the small amount of water that comes into contact with creatine during the production process can have an effect.

However, if your creatine smells fishy, ​​you probably shouldn’t be drinking it. It can make you feel sick.

Immediately return the creatine to the manufacturer and request a replacement or refund.

Does Creatine Make You Smelly?

I have to admit that I often chuckle to myself about some of the things I read online.

I even met one creatine user who was convinced that creatine made him smell like onions.

He even “tested” this to himself.

He said he definitely smelled like onions on the days he used creatine.

And this was even after washing and washing.

But, for the test, he decided not to go without creatine for two days, and said the onion smell was gone.

Now, I don’t want to get into this individual’s personal hygiene, diet, or even his sweat glands, but this is very strange.

Not only is creatine tasteless and odorless, it also doesn’t smell distinctive when ingested.

Well, our onion friend has convinced himself that creatine is to blame, but I daresay there’s another explanation.

So, let me state clearly that creatine does not smell.

Where do you store your creatine?

Okay, so if your new creatine gives off a painful whine, you definitely know to back off.

However, what if you’ve had a tub of creatine for a few weeks and it suddenly starts to smell bad?

This may be related to where you store your creatine.

Creatine should always be stored in a cool, dry place.

As with most powders, you may not want to store them where temperatures exceed 70F.

Dr. Journ Fitz, Sports Scientist and Researcher: "Store your creatine powder in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. Heat and humidity can degrade creatine and reduce its effectiveness."Dr. Journ Fitz, Sports Scientist and Researcher: "Store your creatine powder in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. Heat and humidity can degrade creatine and reduce its effectiveness."

Ok, I understand that this is not always possible due to the heat of the climate, but do your best.

However, if you are storing your creatine container in an open area, especially near heat or direct sunlight, it is more likely to go bad.

In addition, humidity can also have an effect.

So you don’t particularly want your container near the stove or microwave.

You don’t want it on a shelf near a window to be in direct sunlight.

And storing it near the heater is not a good idea.

You probably Ant type supplements should not be stored in your car, especially during very hot weather.

Admittedly, storing creatine in a hot environment or in direct sunlight may not have any effect.

But why take the chance?

How long have you been taking your creatine?

Another thing to note is the expiration date of your creatine.

Most supplements will have a specific expiration date.

This is usually within 3 years of the product being manufactured.

However, in reality, a sealed container of creatine stored in a cool, dry place will typically last up to a year or two past its expiration date.

That being said, if you have a container that has been open for more than 36 months, I suggest you throw it away and replace it.

I know most of us generally buy creatine and use it regularly.

Therefore, we never reach the expiration date.

But this is definitely something you should know.

Should I Use Creatine Capsules?

Brian St. Pierre, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist: "If you find the taste of creatine unpleasant, some flavored powders can effectively mask it. However, pills generally have no taste."Brian St. Pierre, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist: "If you find the taste of creatine unpleasant, some flavored powders can effectively mask it. However, pills generally have no taste."

I know some users have been put off by their creatine smelling bad.

Therefore, you may be swayed to take creatine capsules.

In fact, if you buy good quality creatine, there shouldn’t be any difference between tablets and powder.

I’ve heard people say that capsules go into circulation faster, but I pay very little attention to that.

Creatine supplementation is all about flooding the muscles with creatine and then maintaining this condition.

So, once you get this through loading or regular consumption, it makes very little difference how “fast” creatine is metabolized.

I will say that creatine powder is less expensive than capsules, so this is something to consider if you’re on a tight budget.

Also, creatine capsules have an expiration date, so they can go “bad.”

Honestly, it just comes down to personal preference.

Final thoughts

So, as you can see, if your creatine smells bad, there is probably something wrong with it.

Creatine should definitely be odorless, but if there is a slight odor, it should not smell bad.

If this is a new case, return it to the manufacturer.

You should also make sure to store your creatine in a cool, dry place.

Also, don’t forget that creatine has an expiration date, so be careful how long you keep the stuff.

So, that’s the “smell” in question, but here’s another common complaint, which is, Why does creatine make you feel hungry??

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