Nosferatu Experience Thirteeth Floor Focus Features

io9 Surviving the Nosferatu Experience

io9 was invited to participate Nosferatu Experience being immersed in the world of an upcoming feature film from the director Robert Eggers (lighthouse). The haunting Vampire Odyssey is a limited-edition venture from Thirteenth Floor Entertainment’s Immersion Director Jon Braver, who leads the team behind the interactive game series Delusion About cooperation.

Nosferatu Experience Io9 Gizmodo Sabrina Graves Hollywood Forever Cemetery
Photo: Sabina Graves, io9/Gizmodo

Evening events are held December 16-18 at Hollywood Forever Cemetery in Los Angeles. Masonic Lodge converted into Count Orlok’s estate (In Eggers’ film, he’s played by Bill Skarsgård), he invites you to his estate to conduct some business dealings. it transforms into the world Nosferatu This is furthered by the eerie soundscapes of film composer Robin Carolan.

You mean traveling? It seems perfectly safe – what harm could there be in a range of on-screen props and costumes, occult items and very strong relics of dark magic?

However, it is more than just an exhibition; The actors bring the space to life in an engagingly haunted way that blends into the film’s gothic tone. On the one hand, they were deeply concerned about the contract drafted by Orlok’s insouciant colleagues—and insisted that I sign it, even though it was written in a language my eyes couldn’t decipher. Yes, I signed, what can I say? I’m a very curious person about vampires and I want that Nosferatu The coffin is really bad. So I will definitely not listen to any warnings from plague rat infested loons and pious pretty ladies.

This movie tie-in is definitely a “lite version” Delusion No video recording is allowed at the team’s annual interactive haunted game. So if you’ve ever been curious about one of their productions, this is definitely a taste of the gateway to the West Coast giant’s immersive theater slate. exist Nosferatu As the strange inhabitants lead us through various corridors, viewing elements of the film’s plot without much context, we are able to capture on camera the creepy unease of the film’s tone, including a mild black magic ritual and a certain There is a looming sense of horror on some of the artifacts, such as Orlok’s coffin and books on dark magic.

The two women wander in terror as the vampire’s shadow casts on the wall, as if he is approaching, driving the plague victims even madder. By then the ink had dried on my contract, so it was too late and I had to face my fate as I got closer to meeting the Count. I can only vaguely remember what happened, but I did have two sharp marks on my neck and a strange aversion to light. So the focus function, my Nosferatu Has the coffin bed arrived?

Nosferatu Experience Io9 Gizmodo Sabina Graves Orlock Coffin
Photo: Sabina Graves, io9/Gizmodo

Nosferatu Opens in theaters on December 25.

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