Deputter Year Update Today (11 August 20224): Ultimatum of Vanura’s Shock Mine

Pity to the key –

  • Paritosh and Pakhi blame me to have a deal with Sagar.
  • Leela feel betrayed, and dreams vanab of the confession of myner.
  • They have merge merge to fight back against the ragging.
  • Meen is afraid to say to Vanj on the incident.
  • Vanuraj decide to bring me back home back at home, shaken.
  • Vanuraj’s notice of mine for not making the bad decisions.
  • Meen is given an ultimatum to stay away from aupama and sagar.
  • They have to learn on the nearby call of they.

Deputter Department Today (11 August 2024)

Paritosh and pakhi love me

Paritosh and Pakhi accuses myself to have a deal with Sagar. This shock leela. Titu tries to prevent dim meal from sharing a medium of my way, but pakhi reveals that Vanraj is already aware of the video. Kinjal, feeling the combination, asks what happens.

Paritosh informs you on mine and sagar, leaving LEAST LEFT CRADED. Kinjal suggests that learls let me have explain their side of the story. Meanwhile, Vanraj’s dreams of mine confessing their love to sag.

Actually, laaaza urges vanraj to take action, invited the action of the house with pairing later. Kinjal notes that Vanuraj is cleared.

Aupama sustains me

They have encourage you after it admits to be afraid because of the ragging. Aupama to advise to fight, poacs meen remains a lot of tense. Bala help sagar, recognize that sagar combat only is not ideal.

Sagar concerns about Vanraj’s reaction, especially that would have helped each girl, not only mine. Bala lie that you spent a fir.

I am about to worry about Vanaraj

Aupama Urge Mean to say Vanaj on the rage incident, but meen is worried about his reaction. They have insists that if mine does not speak, she will be. Vanuraj decides to bring me back home, by dizzling her when he looks.

Learels of Dolly, mine, and Sanjay, but Kinjal tries of comfort. Dimple is found problems, causing the title to angry.

Vanraj’s response to mine

Vanuraj checks on mine, asking if it’s not bad. They have stressed, thinking vanraj has no react. Paritosh and pakhi observe that vanraj is not angry with mine. Meen then reveals to the backs on the incident that spring, expressing the gratitude to sagar to help.

Vanuraj decide to send me my way back to the USA but I am proposed with him not.

Aupama’s business worries

As they had paci food, nanny express concern to indra. They have indrara assume could be busy with their family. Nish then the comments that their business doesn’t grow, but they have stuck hoping. Nanny compliments.

Vanraj’s notice to mine

Vanuraj prohibits to touch their feet, they help not decide that you could ruined life as pakhi and paritosh made. Meens assicure vanraj of their respect of him. Sagar, instead, decide to get away from the shah.

Ultimatum of Vanraj

Vanuraj instruct me to stay away from aupama and sagar. Give her ultimatum: be follow their orders or return to the USA. Mine agrees to follow their rules. Pakhi and paritosh also warned me, while the kinjal comfort it.

They have learning from the nearby call of Dearub

They have suceaficate that aircrafts closely avoided a mistake. Baling they advise you to find Aadya to ensure the safety of they.

PrecAP: Dawn is taking Yashdeep help to find Aadya. Aadya tries to connect the call. She calls outweighs.

#Deputter #Year #Update #Today #August #Ultimatum #Vanuras #Shock

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