I decided my strength was back so I could try my group ride on Tuesday. We did one of my favorite rides- “Around the Reservoirs” plus an out and back on the Casa Loma Trail. I sit on the porch because it’s easier on my back and less likely to cause a flare-up for my stethosis. I used electrical assistance to keep going as needed. And I had plenty of battery to get me through the trip. A very pleasant trip on a beautiful late autumn day.
After the ride was over, I suddenly fell off the bike. As I swung my leg over it, it cracked on the frame tube, so I was momentarily balanced on one leg. I fell backwards hitting my back (around the sacrum) and my head on the floor before giving up. Luckily my helmet saved me. So now I got a new helmet (it’s not a good idea to reuse one after a big impact). Also, the back pain should go away in a day or two. It’s time to do more on the scale!
Published by BionicOldGuy
I am a mechanical engineer born in 1953, PhD, Stanford, 1980. I have been active in the field of mechanical CAE for decades. I have a lifelong interest in outdoor activities and fitness. I have had both hips and heart valve replacements due to a genetic condition. This blog chronicles my adventures in staying active despite bumps in the road.
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